General Assistance Program (GAP)
Our General Assistance Program (GAP) operates throughout the year and provides financial assistance to individuals who need someone to fill in the GAP and helps meet their need to pay utility bills, rent, and purchase medicine. Applicants are generally referred to us by individuals or other community organizations and must show proof of need. We have helped over 10 families in recent years.
Feed Me Program
Our Feed Me Program operates throughout the year and is designed to meet needs in the area of hunger relief. We partner with community organizations who are partners with the Arkansas Food Bank and provide financial contributions and manpower to help distribute food to needy families throughout the year. We have partnered with a local church and another local nonprofit and supplied food to over 20 families in the last 10 months.
School Me Program
Our School Me Program operates prior to the start of a new school year. We provide school supplies to children and families in the community. We supply children of the respective grades with pencils, pens, paper, folders, notebooks, crayons, markers and sanitizing items. In the past two years, we have partnered with a local Boys and Girls Club and supplied items for more than 100 kids from economically challenged families.
Educate Me Program
Our Educate Me Program is designed to operate according to current needs. It provides education and training to youth and adults in the area of job training; to business owners in the area of, but not limited to, business strategy, growth, and forward movement; to individuals seeking training and resources in areas that help provide a more sustainable lifestyle. We partner with professionals who are trained and operating in specific areas needed to meet the needs of the programs and the attendees.